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标题: [讨论]MSDOS环境下获取并分解系统时钟信息的批处理 [打印本页]

作者: willsort     时间: 2006-3-26 23:00    标题: [讨论]MSDOS环境下获取并分解系统时钟信息的批处理

To All:


[1] %time%...DOS vs. Win98
@echo off
if "%1"=="[(" goto parse
echo.|date|find "Current" > _getdate.bat
echo set _dw=%%3> current.bat
echo set _date=%%4>> current.bat
call _getdate.bat

echo.|date|find "Enter" > _getdfmt.bat
echo set _dfmt=%%3> enter.bat
call _getdfmt.bat

echo.|time|find "Current" > _gettime.bat
echo set _time=%%3> current.bat
call _gettime.bat

echo _|choice /c%_dfmt%%_date%_%_time%_ @%0 > _parse.bat
%comspec% /e:2048 /c _parse.bat
goto end

set _dt1=_%2%3
set _dt2=_%5%6
set _dt3=_%8%9
for %%t in ([,Y,Y,-,M,M,-,D,D,]) do shift

set _vdt=
set _tmp=%_vdt%
for %%t in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0) do if "%1"=="%%t" set _vdt=%_vdt%%1
if not "%_vdt%"=="%_tmp%" goto loop1
set %_dt1%=%_vdt%

set _vdt=
set _tmp=%_vdt%
for %%t in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0) do if "%1"=="%%t" set _vdt=%_vdt%%1
if not "%_vdt%"=="%_tmp%" goto loop2
set %_dt2%=%_vdt%

set _vdt=
set _tmp=%_vdt%
for %%t in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0) do if "%1"=="%%t" set _vdt=%_vdt%%1
if not "%_vdt%"=="%_tmp%" goto loop3
set %_dt3%=%_vdt%

set _vdt=
set _tmp=%_vdt%
for %%t in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0) do if "%1"=="%%t" set _vdt=%_vdt%%1
if not "%_vdt%"=="%_tmp%" goto loop4
set _HH=%_vdt%

set _vdt=
set _tmp=%_vdt%
for %%t in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0) do if "%1"=="%%t" set _vdt=%_vdt%%1
if not "%_vdt%"=="%_tmp%" goto loop5
set _MN=%_vdt%

set _vdt=
set _tmp=%_vdt%
for %%t in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0) do if "%1"=="%%t" set _vdt=%_vdt%%1
if not "%_vdt%"=="%_tmp%" goto loop6
set _SS=%_vdt%

set _vdt=
set _tmp=%_vdt%
for %%t in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0) do if "%1"=="%%t" set _vdt=%_vdt%%1
if not "%_vdt%"=="%_tmp%" goto loop7
set _CS=%_vdt%

echo DTN:%_YY% %_MM% %_DD% %_HH% %_MN% %_SS% %_CS%
[ Last edited by willsort on 2006-3-26 at 23:01 ]
作者: chenall     时间: 2006-3-27 13:46
@echo off
if "%1"=="[(" goto parse
echo.|date|find "Current" > _getdate.bat
echo set _dw=%%3> current.bat
echo set _date=%%4>> current.bat
call _getdate.bat

echo.|date|find "Enter" > _getdfmt.bat
echo set _dfmt=%%3> enter.bat
call _getdfmt.bat

echo.|time|find "Current" > _gettime.bat
echo set _time=%%3> current.bat
call _gettime.bat

echo _|choice /c%_dfmt%%_date%_%_time%_ @%0 > _parse.bat
%comspec% /e:2048 /c _parse.bat
goto end

set _vdt=

set _tmp=%_vdt%
for %%t in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0) do if "%1"=="%%t" set _vdt=%_vdt%%1
if not "%_vdt%"=="%_tmp%" goto loop1
set %_set%=%_vdt%
goto %next%

set _dt1=_%2%3
set _dt2=_%5%6
set _dt3=_%8%9
set fgf=%4
for %%t in ([,Y,Y,-,M,M,-,D,D,]) do shift

set _set=%_dt1%
set next=dt2
goto loop

set _set=%_dt2%
set next=dt3
goto loop

set _set=%_dt3%
set next=hh
goto loop

set _set=_hh
set next=MN
goto loop

set _set=_mn
set next=ss
goto loop

set _set=_ss
set next=cs
goto loop

set _set=_cs
set next=echo1
goto loop

echo DTN:%_YY% %_MM% %_DD% %_HH% %_MN% %_SS% %_CS%
[ Last edited by chenall on 2006-3-27 at 13:47 ]
作者: willsort     时间: 2006-3-29 17:02
Re chenall:


      这个版本,同时解决了变量没有被“传出”的问题,也增加了退出前清扫现场的语句。但是这个程序还存在许多缺陷,最致命的是,程序中的词法分析核心 choice 无法正确分析以/作为分隔符的字符串,而诸如国家代码为001(United States)的日期信息恰是以/作为分隔符,而代码中的所有语句都是以不依赖于“国家或区域代码”的通用性为设计目标,而这个缺陷完全架空了其他语句所作的努力。

@echo off
if "%1"==":" goto %2
echo.|date|find "Current" > _getdate.bat
echo set _dw=%%3> current.bat
echo set _date=%%4>> current.bat
call _getdate.bat

echo.|date|find "Enter" > _getdfmt.bat
echo set _dfmt=%%3> enter.bat
call _getdfmt.bat

echo.|time|find "Current" > _gettime.bat
echo set _time=%%3> current.bat
call _gettime.bat

echo _|choice /c"%_dfmt%%_date%_%_time%" @%0 : parse > _parse.bat
%comspec% /e:2048 /c _parse.bat
call _setdt.bat
for %%e in (_date _dfmt _time) do set %%e=
for %%f in (_*.bat enter.bat* current.bat*) do del %%f
echo DTN:%_YY%-%_MM%-%_DD% %_HH%:%_MN%:%_SS%.%_CS%
goto end

set _me=%0
set _tok=%2%3 %5%6 %8%9 HH MN SS CS
for %%t in ([,Y,Y,-,M,M,-,D,D,]) do shift

set _vdt=
set _tmp=%_vdt%
for %%t in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0) do if "%1"=="%%t" set _vdt=%_vdt%%1
if not "%_vdt%"=="%_tmp%" goto GetToken
if "%1"=="" goto end
call %_me% : SetToken %_tok%
goto NextToken

set _tok=%4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
echo set _%3=%_vdt%>> _setdt.bat
goto end


作者: willsort     时间: 2006-3-30 23:14
Re All:


[1] alt.msdos.batch > Documentation of CHOICE streaming parser ... sg/5e1d0f360f172118
@echo off
if "%1"==":" goto %2 (subroutine handler at %2)

echo.exit|%comspec%/e:4096/k prompt set v=$d $t$_:>_tm.bat
call _tm.bat
echo.%v%&|%comspec%/e:4096/c %0 : Parse>_tm.bat
for %%p in (_tm.bat* _tmset.bat*) do call %%p

echo.Note that d1 d2 and d3 are in your system date order
echo.DTN:d1=%d1% d2=%d2% d3=%d3% hh=%hh% mm=%mm% ss=%ss% cs=%cs%.

for %%e in (v d1 d2 d3 hh mm ss cs) do set %%e=
for %%f in (_tm.bat* _tm.tmp* _tmset.bat*) do del %%f
goto end

:Parse (usage: call %0 : Parse +input redirect date/time)
set me=%0
set tok=d1 d2 d3 hh mm ss cs
set d1=
for %%v in (v1 v) do set %%v=
choice /c&0123456789 /n>_tm.tmp
for %%n in (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9) do if errorlevel 77%%n set v=%%n
if not errorlevel 2 %me% : SetToken %tok%
find ""<_tm.tmp>nul
if not errorlevel 1 if not "%d1%"=="" call %me% : SetToken %tok%
set d1=%d1%%v%
goto NextToken

set tok=%4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
echo set %3=%d1%>> _tmset.bat
set d1=
goto end

:end (end-of-file)

作者: HUNRYBECKY     时间: 2006-12-14 02:26
作者: tyh     时间: 2007-5-25 10:57
作者: javenhmh     时间: 2007-7-1 17:56
作者: BWSkyer     时间: 2008-10-27 15:33
提示 bad command or file name..

echo.exit|%comspec%/e:4096/k prompt set v=$d $t$_:>_tm.bat
call _tm.bat
echo.%v%&|%comspec%/e:4096/c %0 : Parse>_tm.bat
for %%p in (_tm.bat* _tmset.bat*) do call %%p

这里出了问题... 我是DOS6.22, 应该不会啊...