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标题: [原创]愿与大家一起建设论坛!  [打印本页]

作者: anyhow     时间: 2003-5-8 00:00    标题: [原创]愿与大家一起建设论坛! 

Hi Webmasters:

Frankly this is my first time to visit this bbs but very soon I got lost in this bbs and began to love it coz I was once also an advanced DOS user and benefited a lot from it. And to be here I can retrieve my past precious feeling for DOS as well as the relevantly unforgettable stories

Undoubtedly I''''m a PC fan and experienced quite a few operating systems in the past years, from dos to win3.x, to win95, win95OSR(win97), win98, winme and win2k, winxp, till now win2003 server. I almost tried every os which ever showed up but finally found that DOS is still one of my most favorite os! Therefore I decided to replay "yesterday once more" story......

Spending almost 1 hour I read all posts here and found you all have taken much efforts to build and develop this bbs, in the meantime, I also noticed that you need some guys who are good at both English & PC participate your team and take charge of translating some foreign documents as well as some technical material (pls. see these two post in which you once mentioned your wishes:; If so, pls. count me in and I believe I can contribute a lot to our forum.

Best regards,



毫无疑问,我是个电脑迷。在过去的几年里,我历经了操作系统的多次升级—从dos到win3.x, 到win95, win95OSR(WIN97), win98, winme, win2k, winxp直到现在的win2003 server. 我几乎用过(测试过 )每一个操作系统。但是最后我发现,DOS仍然是我钟爱的操作系统之一。因此,我决定“旧梦重温”。呵呵!



*** Let''''s share it better ***

[此贴子已经被作者于2003-5-8 22:24:18编辑过]

作者: Wengier     时间: 2003-5-8 00:00
作者: 如是大师     时间: 2003-5-8 00:00
作者: Wengier     时间: 2003-5-9 00:00